Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama is Keongomaniac's Person of the Year

Earlier today The Keongomaniac announces Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama as this year's Keongomaniac Person of the Year. This is in conjuction with the first day of polls for the United States as they start off the much-anticipated Presidential Elections. While Illinois' Senator Obama, whose full name is Barack Hussein Obama II, has been highly tipped to win the Person of the Year recognition, the timing to declare it during the start of voting (rather than after he wins presidency) signifies that The Keongomaniac sees him as the Person of the Year regardless the results of the elections.

The Keongomaniac Person of the Year is a highly prolific title which recognises the efforts of pioneering individuals who had in their own right change the world through their unconventional achievements. It is the hope of The Keongomaniac that these people would in time influence the course of the world we live in. Last year's Keongomaniac Person of the Year recognition was given to Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, the first Malay astronaut.

Other Keongomaniac Recognitions for 2008 that have already been announced during the course of the year are the Keongomaniac Fantasy Epic of the Year (Prince Caspian), Keongomaniac Movie Event of the Year (The Dark Knight) and the Keongomaniac Villain of the Year (The Joker). This is however the first time the Blue Border tile for 2008 has been revealed. Previous announcements were not accompanied with the official Blue Border as of the one featured above.

All of Haz Wayne's World wishes Barack Obama all the best for the elections. May his many critics bounce off him the way bullets bounce off Superman's chest! VOTE FOR CHANGE, SUPPORT OBAMA!

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