Monday, June 1, 2009

Keongomania hits 5000 viewership in mid-2009!

According to the statistics counter started in January this year, Keongomaniac Khronicles reached a 5000 blog viewership today on the 1st June 2009. It is definitely delightful to know that this feat is achieved on this day, considered by some as the mid-point of the year. And so if the viewership trend continues, it would mean that by the end of the year, a 10 000 mark could be expected.
While some may claim that it is minor by blogosphere standards, The Keongomaniac is indeed humbled by the response of this website, known for its enlightened thoughts and expressions. He has vowed to continue the efforts in showcasing the best of infotainment in Haz Wayne's World.
The Keongomania Blog migrated from the old Frienster blog (now renamed Keongomania Blog Original) to its current Blogger location on 17 July 2007 (170707). The viewership counter count however, as mentioned above, was only started in January this year. This 5000 mark hence reflects the viewership for this year so far.
Daily Hits Certified Accurate
From next week onwards, The Keongomaniac will keep stats on the Daily Keongomaniac Hits, which is currently an estimated average of 50 views per day. While this function has been heavily criticised for being inaccurate, The Keongomaniac had ensured its accuracy by formatting it such that the hits will only be counted as 1 for the same user. In other words, repeated views by the same user will only be counted as a single visit. This ensures that the number reflects the number of viewership by person, not visits.
The Keongomaniac would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported the Keongomania Blogs throughout the years, especially the Pioneering Fans listed below. To be a Keongomaniac fan, simply search for "Keongomania Blogs" in Facebook.
Pioneering Fans of the Keongomania Blogs
(Keongomaniac Khronicles; Speaking Silence of a Dream; Keongomania Blog Original)

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