Gossip Girl famous bad boy Chuck Bass (acted by British actor Ed Westwick) has have his fair share of imitators, but none as apparent as the character of Jeremy Darling (acted by Seth Gabel) in Dirty Sexy Money!

We could see it positively, even though most will say that THE scarf belongs to Chuck Bass only. Both TV series deals with the same thematic approach (discussed here in blog entry A Bane To Be Rich?), though regionally Gossip Girl has a larger cult following. I guess allowing Jeremy Darling to appear with Chuck Bass's scarf shows that TV dramas have finally decided to be less pretentious when it comes to characters of similar traits, and indeed embraces them. Having them 'share' the signature scarf seals this deal. But it wouldn't be a signature anymore if two uses them right?
As Chuck would say, "Do not mock the scarf". But if he is ever to meet Jeremy, you and I know he would almost definitely declare...
"I'm Chuck Bass"
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