Vote for Heath Ledger the Joker Campaign
Statuette Dispute
Though there were some dispute as to whom the Oscar statuette would go to, Sir Heath's family decided that his 3-year-old daughter Mathilda Rose Ledger would own it, though she can only get full ownership upon her 18th birthday in 2023.
Big winners at the 81st Academy Awards includes:
8 awards: Slumdog Millionaire
3 awards: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2 awards: The Dark Knight
2 awards: Milk
3 awards: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2 awards: The Dark Knight
2 awards: Milk
In Haz Wayne's World, 2008 has already been declared the Year of Sir Heath Ledger for his majority 6 wins in the 3rd Keongomania Awards.
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