6 movies were awarded full Fivestars during the course of 2008. Fivestars recipient are described as "exceptionally good" and "satisfying on many levels". The Dark Knight was 2008's Keongomaniac Movie Event of the Year, the highest recognition in the movies category. The inclusion of The Incredible Hulk has surprised many, though reports have it that The Keongomaniac was impressed with its unique exposition story-telling method.
The bulk of the movies watched in 2008 were given Fourstars. These movies are generally entertaining movies that have lived up to its expectations.
Threeandhalfstars are given to movies which deserves more the Three but not enough to make it to Four. It is believed that this is the only 'in-between' stars available, since "Twoandhalfstars" has not been given yet, and any movies deemed below Threestars are usually given Onestar.
Movies given Threestars are the lower-end of the "pass" criteria, but fortunately not bad enough to get the boot. Usually redeemed because seen as still having an effort.
Despite being the first movie watched in 2008, this movie is now the only one to have walked in the movies hall of shame for receiving Onestar, a sheer pity mark so as not to get any stars at all.
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