Monday, December 1, 2008

No Male of the Year?

As the year approaches to an end, crisis dawn on Haz Wayne's World as shocking news reveals The Keongomaniac has no apparent contender for the Keongomaniac Male (Artiste) of the Year award! The Keongomaniac Female and Male of the Year are widely considered to be the top-most recognition for any artistes in the entertainment industry. Last year's Female of the Year was won by newcomer Megan Fox for her role in Transformers while Male of the Year was given to Justin Timberlake for his Futuresex/Lovesounds album which also won Album of the Year.

This year, singer-songwriter Mariah Carey has been speculated to win the Keongomaniac Female of the Year, though actress Natalie Portman has also been mentioned as a likely contender. This has led to the highly-anticipted Battle of the Queens due to the fact that both Queen Mariah and Queen Natalie are vying for dominance in their respecive royal rule.

Such excitement however cannot be found for the Keongomaniac Male of the Year category. Early this year with Sir Heath Ledger's untimely death, some has expected The Keongomaniac to present the Male of the Year award to him. Sir Heath has already be conferred the Lifetime Achievement Award and named the Keongomaniac Villain of the Year for his Joker role in The Dark Knight. Hence the only contender so far is the late Heath Ledger. But with such lack of male prominence this year, who else could possibly be named 2008's Keongomaniac Male of the Year??

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