I've told to some that i've missed school. I think other than the fact that there was where you have your close friends at close proximity (or not), for my case the academic institution was also a place for developing other talents that you may have within you, waiting to be realised. This is possibly the reason why i am not enjoying this anti-pinnacle time of my life, where opportunities for such ventures are sadly limited.
Picture above is taken after i took my last A-level paper, evidenced by the striking out of the damnable list on the board. It is officially the last day i dawn the uniform too.
I particularly liked this bit of my A-level school graduation cert, where my teachers stated:
"He is committed to his values and beliefs and these guide him in achieving clarity of vision and sense of purpose. He enjoys developing his character and personality on many fronts - in academic aspects, sports, leadership and the arts. He encourages others, through his example, to do the same."
I personally loved the 'many fronts' thingy, its soo true and i couldn't have put it better myself.

I took on Hockey back in PJC too, before letting it go in favour of Students' Council. Why hockey? Well not many knew this, but i did it in honour of my mother, she was a hockey player back in her youth (during her days only wooden hockey sticks were available, with a nasty hooked front!). It just seemed right, especially since i'd wanted to join a sporting team.
I had always been in a leadership body since primary school, and it was my last opportunity to know what "training in a team and go for tournaments" feel like. When i got to Millennia Institute which allows me to take on both Students' Council and Hockey, i took the challenge. Though regretably, since this ventures needed different commitments of their own, training time for hockey was ultimately 'sacrificed' in favour of studies and Council, thus in hockey my abilities were not as developed as they could have been.

The 2 pictures above are totally rare. Thank God i got hold of them! In this picture we see the bedrock of the fun the orientation had, the unbeatable Games Committee - headed by Michelle (white watch), myself (in the red tie) and Joel (blue shorts). I dunno what came over me, but the unlikely trio proved to be insatiably perfect, of course after numerous bloodletting decision-makings.
Important lesson learnt in that course of time is that leaders are not leaders until they prove their worth, and no measure of position, post or name can dispute that. *winks*

The reason why Nabella is christened 'DP' for eternity. It is a reminder on how she tricked me into doing hip-hop infront of the entire school on Teachers' Day, for her supposed 'jazz dance'. Big-time ahakz. I don't believe in letting my body go, but it was a nice change. And recently watching some dance moves of the dancers in a Mariah Carey consert inspired me. :P

Though after a year, convinced that i will not excel academically there. And with the Council getting corrupted and too bureaucratic, despite being a co-Head of Social and Relations, i took my leave in what was to be the turning point of my A-level course experience.

So with all such major experiences shared, all the ups and downs, tumulteous they may be, it is still such a character-building time in addition to the maturity of mind academically. I would say nothing can take that place, and above all they are the ones i truly miss when i finally receive that fateful A-level cert.
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