Yes that is my 'turning-20 face'. Ahakz i know what you're thinking, nothing much changed. Still the same old narcissist who believes firmly that "to love yourself is the greatest love of all". Thanks Whitney, i owe you that one. :) 20 is an uber weird age, a Peripheral Age, a Transitional Age. Because you are no longer a teenager, but technically not yet an adult as of 21. I'm just 20. period.
So today on the 20th September 2007, i turn 20, leaving the remnants of teenagehood for-ever. For those for do not know, if you turn the number you're born in, its called your Golden Birthday. So i guess this is my golden birthday, and i must say it is one of my better birthdays.
The Girl in the Black Dress
All thanks to my old-friend Isrin Johar who decided "to take time off her busy schedule" to keep me company on this day! Yes she erm, refused to be photographed. You will see later the various attempts i made to achieve that. I think she's exercising her 5th Amendment right or sumtink to refuse being included in what she claims to be my 'gallery of girls'. Ahakz.
My long-standing quote and principle, "any day outside of camp is a good day". In this case the medical centre. My birthday off was for Thursday today, so i got to book out on weds around 4.30pm. The birthday mood is expected to stretch all the way till Sunday!
Finally, a Reservation!..and erm, a glimpse of Saphira
We finally catch the movie as promised, No Reservations. I remembered how Babel was destroyed into smitereens. Ahakz. I was anxious to see how far my Catherine Zeta-Jones has progressed in her years, she who have a firm standing in the Haz Wayne's Fantastic Females charts.
It was a perfect day because the bus was not late. Ahakz. And what's more, my Cathay affiliations got us free tickets for the movie! It was beginning to sound like a good birthday. Hee. You must know i'm not a fan of White romance but this one's not too bad. I'm moving away from my rule of 'epics only' when it comes to the big screen. And did i mention Isrin got a look at Saphira! Oh goodness, "suicidal..suicidal.."

Of Rings and Geeks
Yes the supposed 'birthday shot at the tree'. Isrin insisted she takes a picture of the birthday boy, and i insist i look fat here, and of course i'll blame it entirely on her! The face expression is making me cringe. Argh. We made our way to the Esplanade because i wanted to go to my favourite Popcorn shop, the Movie Memorabilia Specialist. Wanted to get sumtink Lord of the Ringsy. Did not get my One Ring, so sad! But in commemoration of my self birthday present, i bought this gorgeous LOTR long poster which depicts all the characters, at a stark $25!
A beau isn't it. Now it will stay on the top of my window for all eternity.

A Tragic Princess in the Making
I think its quite nice lah, she has managed to stand out from this supposed 'Gallery of Girls', being the first to refuse being depicted. Makes her rather illusive in nature. Ahakz. Though looking at them it kinda reminds me of this:
Haha the late Princess Diana covering her face from the evil paparazzi.
The Family GiftsFinally its the family gifts! My parents bought me a dashing Levi's belt and a Louis Vuitton wallet. Ooh wawawee. They also got me birthday card which 'sings' a birthday tune when it opens, can you believe that. Ahakz. My sis, as though coordinated, bought a big Superman belt buckle, which would make Isrin's eye go, if possible, even rounder if she sees it on my navel area. My sis also bought me the latest Maroon 5 album, yeah! My bro bought for me, an ardent DVD collector who has a long list to fulfil, the Letters From Iwo Jima DVD, a great buy!
That reminds me, I bought for him a DVD too, X-Men III (he's a big X-Men fan) and a yellow pillow (he loves yellow) with something personal i cut and sew on myself! Its a XIX (supposedly to match the X-Men thingy), Roman number for 19, for he turns 19 yesterday on 19 Sept. Yes we both has golden birthdays.
NEWSFLASH: B-Day Mood to Stretch for 5 Days! Ahakz i did not forget, i managed to get a cloudy glimpse of that allusive girl! Thank you for today, ahakz. She says she and her sis will get me sumtink soon, cos i bought for Sophie pretty towels..hee. Tmr after i book out i'm expected to meet my Effours for break-fast. On Sat i shall demand for Ratatouille in the afternoon and then go Geylang with my family. Sunday is the date for the annual traditional cake-cutting. Oh yes a golden birthday warrants the mood to be stretched a few days. :)
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