Prevention from Reading is Better Than Cure:
In preparation for this film, I managed to prevent myself from making the same mistake I did for the said previous film - that is to read the book. As ironic as it sounds, I feel that being an adapted version of JK Rowling's magical masterpiece, the movie has to be separated from the book and be treated as an entity by itself. Only by this way can the film versions be truly accepted for what it is.
Separating Film and Fiction:
I came up with this conclusion because of the sheer disappointment i felt after catching the Goblet of Fire. Reading the book beforehand gives you such high expectations that perhaps no CG effects can satisfy. I was utterly appalled by the removal of cute house elf Winky and the entire Triwizard Tournament sequence. Strangely enough though, when i own the VCD later on, i was able to appreciate it better, the same way i did for the previous Harry Potter films. I guess 'fan complications' could only be resolved if you separate the book and the film.
Best Harry Potter Film So Far:
That said, i was immensely satisfied with the latest film, thus crowning it the Best Harry Potter Film So Far. There are of course several other factors that contributed to this honour, other than the fact that i was not coloured in my judgement given that i'd disciplined myself not to read the book before watching the movie. The new director gives a
fresh angle to this movie, but at the same time keeping the real essence of the book, which is what a print-to-screen adaptation should be all about.

Staying in Essence and Emotions:
The major happennings like the Dementor attack and Harry's hearing was dramatised as closely to the book as possible, needless to say giving the movie the adrenaline rush at the beginning, the same way the book started. While the book gives in depth insight on Harry's internal turmoil, the film was perfect in catching this essence through the series of flashbacks which allows the audience to feel the emotive value of the characters and the story line.
Of Prophetic Headlines and Professional Settings:
CG and Book Humour:
The stunning magic-fighting with the CG effects between the Order and the Death Eaters, Dumbledore and Voldemort is of course to be expected. However to top it all up, what i especially admire about this film adaptation is that the humour involved is derived from the book itself, meaning to say unlike the previous films which depends on new elements to create a humour (a terrible example would be Filch's frequent wrong timing in shooting the cannon at the start of a Triwizard Task, to Dumbledore's dismay, and mine too, in Goblet of Fire), the new film extracts the humour out of the book and put it on screen. Two of such examples was when she was asked to describe the Dementors during the hearing, Arabella Figg described Harry and Duddly instead, saying "one was very large, the other one rather skinny...". Another was during Dumbledore's flight, though instead of Phineas saying it, Kingsley was the one who said it, "You might not like him, Minister. But you must admit, he's got style".
Great Book, Great Movie:
Well all in all i'd never felt more satisfied watching a Harry Potter film than this one. Perhaps it is due to the fact that it did justice to the already great book it was adapted from, which uncoincidentally happens to be my most favourite. Its different because it was when the entire magical and Muggle world turns topsy-turvy and the political subversion of the systems with the installation of Doleres Umbridge. Even though huge portion of the book is taken out, like the role of Ron and Hermione as prefects and Ron being the goalkeeper and all, it is nonetheless the best Harry Potter adaptation to date.
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