Up-and-coming Queens Battle it out for Female of the Year (2008)

The great race to be 2008's
Keongomaniac Female (Artiste) of the Year is on! The babelicious contenders are none other than the reigning queens in Haz Wayne's World - singer songwriter
Mariah Carey and American-Jewish Hollywood actress
Natalie Portman.
Both are long-time favourites of The Keongomaniac, and this year looks set to bestow one of them as the prestigious title Female of the Year, won by actress Megan Fox last year in her role in
The Battle of the Queens came upon Mariah's achievement in beating rock'n'roll legend Elvis Presley in the American Billboard charts with 18 number 1 singles. Her new album
E=MC2 has also been acknowledged as a worthy winner to be
Keongomaniac Album of the Year. Beating the King has already made speculation of Mariah being the next Queen - Queen of R&B-Pop, equivalent to Michael Jackson's title King of Pop. Mariah's many accolates in Haz Wayne's World have had observers predicting that she could unsurprisingly win the most number of
Keongomaniac Recognitions in this year's
Keongomania Awards, thus making 2008 "The Year of Mariah Carey", just as 2007 was The Year of Harry Potter.

Natalie Portman on the other hand, dubbed as "the only Jew the Keongomaniac really loves, apart from Superman", is a shoo-in with her dramatic portrayal of Anne Boleyn (who became Queen of England) in
The Other Boleyn Girl, the only movie to be awarded with Fivestars since the inception of the Keongomaniac Khronicles blog. The Keongomaniac is said to be "itching" to place Natalie in a formally recognised position in Haz Wayne's World, given her past excellence in
Star Wars (where she is Queen of Naboo for a time) and especially
V For Vendetta.For now the royal rumble shall continue till a clear winner appears in the course of the year. But till then, let the Queen-bees fight it out, and may the best female wins!